by Wacky Wayne Burns
The weather could not have been better. Very light wind, partly cloudy, and 65 to 70 degrees. We started late, around 2:00pm, so the sun was in our eyes for the second half of the match.

Only four of us shooting today. Ronnie Easton came up from the Sacramento area. Locals, Ed Markey and our newest, youngest shooter Justin, and the oldest shooter, me.
Ed brought his HW50 .177 cal springer and Justin shot my AAS400. They shot in Hunter class, but only had time for about half the course, both were hittin

Ronnie was shooting his 12fpe EV2 & I shot with my 19fpe USFT#6. We shot one shot per target, and most lanes had 3 targets for a 48 shot course.
We had a really close match. We started out on the standing lanes, where I had a 3/4" @ 16yds, & 1-1/2" at 19yds. I missed them both! Ronnie made them both! But then I cleaned the next four lanes and Ronnie missed two in those same lanes, so we were tied. We had problems with a couple targets, but we fixed them as we shot the course. It was really close, as we both were cleaning most of the lanes. Then we came to the 3/8" KZs and we each missed one and made one. Tied again at 42/48 each.

So, we stayed on that lane and shot the 3/8" kill zones again. Ronnie made one and missed one. I got lucky and dropped them both this time.
What a great day of shooting. Ronnie and I had a great time and I feel the targets are getting closer to being ready for the big match at the end of the month.
Wacky Wayne,
Match Director,
Ashland Air Rifle Range